OK, so... As the summer months prepare to smack me firmly in the face, my mind begins to wander into Winter. But then, I've always been a winter guy: love the snow, love the cold, love the crisp air. I've always loved just strapping on the snowshoes and walking until I was dead tired, and shooting whatever caught my fancy.
Washoe Winter...
I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to my photography; when I shoot landscapes I like them to encompass Nature in all her wonder and raw beauty. I don't like seeing creations of Man in my shots "out there." My mind tends to roam to thoughts such as, "I wonder what this place looked like before Man set foot here." In the depths of winter those thoughts are foremost in my mind because after that snow falls, it's all brand new. :)
Mono chill...
I love contrasts in Nature: a sprouting seedling on a field of burned-out pines, or the smallest of saplings rising up between towering sequoias... Or snow in the High Desert of the American Southwest.... What we see has happened millions of times before, will happen millions of times again, but each time it's brand new, and each time it's the first time you've seen that scene. I love seeing what many others have seen before but never seen before.
Winter will always give you that contrast: something you've seen before but not in quite the same way. Isn't that really what it's all about anyway?
Symmetry & Contrast...